Figaflors i Braves: Fish baby fleece beanie
By Martin
Free Sewing Pattern!
To celebrate I was sewing a fish hat for the kid. This are the parts needed. I invented the sewing pattern myself. In the middle of production. The finished product modeled by Pingu. Inspiration found here. Publicado por Martin ...
Psychologist proves doodling improves concentration at boring meetings - USA
Doing something that occupies that semi-conscious part of the brain, such as doodling or knitting, helps to keep that other part of the brain from ...
Free Knitting Pattern! blog: Grumpasaurus Knitting Pattern
By Natalie Zee Drieu
Kathy of Kat Knits has a free knitting pattern of Grumpasaurus, a cute grumpy knit dinosaur....
heather knitz patterns: BLOG GIVEAWAY: Pick a Pattern!
By heather knitz
BLOG GIVEAWAY: Pick a Pattern! This month is National Crochet Month...but, don't worry, if you knit you can win too:). --------------------------. *I will be choosing 4 different winners for this contest!*. The rules. ...
How long would it take a competent knitter to knit a scarf?
By admin
Depends on how much time you have to dedicate to knitting it. I knitted a scarf while watching a movie. Then all done! But it was a VERY simple pattern and my kids were asleep. So I had no interruptions. References : ...
AHS students cast off for charities
Millstone Examiner - Millstone,NJ,USA
The school's Knitting Club, supervised by history teacher Judy Briar, meets bimonthly and has over 40 members. Those involved in the extracurricular ...
Swimming, running and... knitting: Triathlon with a difference ...
This Is Sleaford - Sleaford,Lincolnshire,UK
More than £5000 was pledged as people swam, ran and knitted for charity at Sleaford Leisure Centre. The event – described by organisers the Rotary Club as a ...
Needles, yarn keep group together
Delmarva Daily Times - MD,USA
By Ceri Larson Danes • Staff Writer • March 4, 2009 PUNGOTEAGUE -- Think of a knitting circle and likely what comes to mind is a group of grandmotherly ...
Don't starve to death-sell your junk on Ebay! Part four-strategory. - USA
If you have ten scarves, ten balls of yard, ten needles, ten knitting organizers, and ten knitting patterns for sale at the same time, suddenly, ...
Sewn on to sustainability
Ecotextile News - Pontefract,England,UK
NOTTINGHAM – [03.03.09] A new study by boffins at Nottingham Trent University says that a return to the tradition of sewing on buttons and stitching hems is ...
Elma students stitch pillowcases with care for hospitals
Cresco Times Plain Dealer - Cresco,IA,USA
By Sara Daehn / TPD April Jackson, 12, takes a turn on the sewing machine with some help from a parent volunteer. By Sara Daehn Denise Shekleton’s fourth, ...
All dolled up
Honolulu Star-Bulletin - Honolulu,HI,USA
"We're in the depth of winter here, and I decided to focus on a warmer place by sewing a new Obama doll," Barry said. "With his ties to Hawaii, ...
Local retailer keeps dogs across the nation warm and fashionable
The Bee - Portland,OR,USA
“It was a little bitty business with three sewing people,” she recalls. “And when we bought it, the lady said, ‘I would look into the dog market. ...
Shopping Guide: How to Pick the Right Dress Form
11 years ago